Lesson: 5 - File Create, Save, Open

Purpose: Learn to save and open a Document.

No. of. Classes

One class - One hour.

Materials Required

Desktop or Laptop computer & Open office.

Curriculum Content 6.6)File Operation.
Prior knowledge

Students should know how to create and edit a Text document file.



1. How to open and save a file?.


2. Explain about how to export text document to PDF (Portable document file) (Convert the files from one format into the other format).


  • Link to view the Solution for Exercise-1 Video & PDF (Solution).

  • Link to view the Solution Video for Exercise-2 (Solution).

  • Teacher's Instruction
    1. Explain in detail the solution to the Students.
    2. Use the specified words in File Operation such as Save, Open, create a New file (Ctrl + N) in the class.
    3. Teachers should teach different ways of doing file operations.
    4. While teaching use the words "File Operation". Open, Save, Close, New File etc. They need to be familiar with those words.
    5. Teachers should teach the difference between closing the app and file.
    6. Teachers should clarify the difference between save and save as.
    7. Ask the students to think about where the file was before it was saved and where is the file after it is saved. Don’t give the answer immediately. i.e. RAM and storage (lesson 18).